Tag: notation

Year 3, Unit 3: Pitch – Lesson 5

Key Learning Objectives:  To further develop aural skills and understanding of how a melody moves. To work in small groups to ‘notate’ patterns of notes, using objects to mirror both rise and fall in pitch.   Starter activity: Select an activity from the Pitch Starter Bank. Main activity: Representing note patterns: Listen to ‘Bristol Pitches’ and pitch pattern the […]

Year 3, Unit 1: Air – Lesson 5

Key Learning Objective:  To complete composing the soundscape and notate on graphic score. Additional Learning Objective:  To choose a location and represent it through notated symbols and with a particular dynamic.   Starter activity: Revisit ‘Hot Air Balloon song’, focusing on the direction of the melody. Does it move in steps or leaps? Main activity: Recap […]

Year 3, Unit 1: Air – Lesson 3

Key Learning Objectives:  To create a soundscape with an identifiable structure.   Starter activity: One group to perform their soundscape from the previous lesson. Response to ask why certain aspects of the performance are not the same as the previous lessons performance. Main activity: Introduce the concept of notation, using the idea of a graphic score to […]

Year 2, Unit 1: Water – Lesson 2

Key Learning Objective:  To explore the correlation between pitch and high/low notation. Additional Learning Objectives: To create my own symbols to represent sounds. To define music vocabulary –pitch (HIGH and LOW) and identify the pitch when heard. To keep a beat/respond to a beat.   Starter activity: Introduce the vocabulary of pitch (high/middle/low) demonstrating these pitches using […]

Year 1, Unit 1: Air – Lesson 6

Key Learning Objective:  To understand Rondo form and create a class composition based on this structure.   Starter activity: Listening exercise based on the track ‘Carl Goes Up’ by Michael Giacchino. Main activity: Listening and response exercise to ‘Over English Country’ by David Poore, focusing on how the composer uses the instruments to create a relaxing, gliding sensation. […]

Secondary Curriculum – Pathway to a Piece: Lesson 1, Main 1: Active Bach Listening

Time: 15 minutes Group size: Whole Class/Individual Tag words: solo, violins, orchestra, notation, changes, texture, chords, structure, sketch, blocks, colours  Play the class the first movement of Bach’s Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor. Tell the pupils that the piece is for two solo violins and a string orchestra. Watch with the animated notation: […]