Key Learning Objectives: To sing with confidence and control as an individual and in a group. To sing in parts. To understand the significance of folk songs and oral tradition and explain this with reference to known songs. Starter activity: Class vocal warmup using the track, ‘Warmup and Stomp Canon’, explaining to the children that singers […]
Category: Lesson Plan
Year 4, Unit 4: Songs of the City – Lesson 5
Key Learning Objectives To perform a sequence of movements to a song. To maintain a steady pulse. To clap the rhythm of the song. To trace the pitch of a melody. Starter activity: Class vocal warmup using the track, ‘Plasticine person’, engaging with different vocal sounds and exercises for the vocal muscles. Main activity: Learn the traditional […]
Year 4, Unit 4: Songs of the City – Lesson 3 & 4
Key Learning Objectives To add tuned and untuned percussion parts to accompany the medley of traditional songs already learnt. Starter activity: The whole class to clap to the heartbeat and engage with the Vocal warm ups (1 1,2,1) – found on SingUp. Main activity: Revisit the four Pentatonic Partner songs, adding instruments to accompany the […]
Year 4, Unit 4: Songs of the City – Lesson 1 & 2
Key Learning Objectives: To sing a song in unison using actions. To maintain a part when singing two or more songs. To explain what a traditional song is and to be able to say where a song originates from. To describe how several songs when sung together can create different textures Starter activity: Class vocal […]
Year 2, Unit 3: Songs of the City – Lesson 6
Key Learning Objectives: To sing with increasing confidence and control as an individual and in a group. To identify a mood and sing with expression. To understand the significance of folk songs and oral tradition. Starter activity: Vocal warm up using the track, ‘Boom chicka boom’. The teacher to change a dimension of the music and […]
Year 2, Unit 3: Songs of the City – Lesson 5
Key Learning Objectives: To sing with increasing confidence and control as an individual and in a group. To maintain a part in a round. To identify a mood and sing with expression. To identify the structure of two songs (round / call and response). Starter activity: Listen and learn the melody to the track, ‘Sail […]
Year 2, Unit 3: Songs of the City – Lesson 3 & 4
Key Learning Objectives: To sing a traditional Irish song and identify traditional Irish instruments. To convey the mood or meaning of a song. To sing with accuracy of pitch. Starter activity: Learn and Sing the tracks, ‘Bogapilla’ and ‘Rubber Chicken’ – resources found on SingUp. Main activity: Introduce traditional Irish Folk music and instrumentation, culminating in the learning […]
Year 2, Unit 3: Songs of the City – Lesson 1 & 2
Key Learning Objectives: To sing accurately in unison. To sing with actions in time with the music. To sing with dynamic contrast. To describe music using a music vocabulary. Starter activity: Listening and response exercise using the track, ‘Boom chicka boom’- resource provided on SingUp. Main activity: Listen to the track, ‘Jump Jim Joe’ focussing on accurately learning the melody, […]
Reception, Unit 3, Calypso – Lesson 6
Early Learning Goal: To create a performance we can share. Starter activity: Class activity responding to the reflections of the creepy crawly masks in a mirror. Children to move like their insect to the ‘Creepy Crawly Calypso’, responding to words like; scuttle, creep, march, flap, wriggle, prance. Main activity: Class performance of the texture piece in three lines […]
Reception, Unit 3, Calypso – Lesson 5
Early Learning Goals: To understand that ‘texture’ is the layering of sounds. To follow pictorial notation. Starter activity: Listening and Response exercise using the ‘Creepy Crawly Calypso’. The teacher to use different body percussion actions to the pulse, the children to copy the actions moving in time with the pulse. Discuss with the children if they […]