Category: Year 3

Year 3, Unit 2: Junk Percussion – Lesson 2

Key Learning Objectives:  To understand that the 1st beat of the bar is the ‘strong’ beat. To further consolidate understanding of duration (pulse) using kinaesthetic learning to internalise   Starter activity: Select an activity from the Rhythm Starter Bank. Main activity: Recap the definition of ‘pulse’ from lesson one, playing a different 4/4 track from the […]

Year 3, Unit 2: Junk Percussion – Lesson 1

Key Learning Objectives:  To understand that pulse is a regular beat in music. To develop understanding of pulse using kinaesthetic learning.   Starter activity: Select an activity from the Rhythm Starter Bank. Main activity: Introduce the concept of the pulse, playing either ‘Mmmbop’ or ‘Oye Como Va’, both pieces of music in 4/4 time. March around the […]

Year 3, Unit 1: Air – Lesson 6

Key Learning Objective:  To perform and evaluate and complete the Hot Air Balloon composition. Additional Learning Objective:  To sing expressively.   Starter activity: Rehearse then perform Part one of the ‘Hot Air Balloon song’ with expression. Main activity: Brief rehearsal time with original scores, with a view to performing the final compositions. Plenary: Listen to the final performances […]

Year 3, Unit 1: Air – Lesson 5

Key Learning Objective:  To complete composing the soundscape and notate on graphic score. Additional Learning Objective:  To choose a location and represent it through notated symbols and with a particular dynamic.   Starter activity: Revisit ‘Hot Air Balloon song’, focusing on the direction of the melody. Does it move in steps or leaps? Main activity: Recap […]

Year 3, Unit 1: Air – Lesson 3

Key Learning Objectives:  To create a soundscape with an identifiable structure.   Starter activity: One group to perform their soundscape from the previous lesson. Response to ask why certain aspects of the performance are not the same as the previous lessons performance. Main activity: Introduce the concept of notation, using the idea of a graphic score to […]

Year 3, Unit 1: Air – Lesson 2

Key Learning Objectives:  To create a soundscape with an identifiable structure.   Starter activity: Introduction to the concept of structure, demonstrating its importance through the scenario of a telephone call. Main activity: Create a whole class soundscape of a hot air balloon taking off. Each group to be designated one section of the soundscape structure. Plenary: Performance opportunity, groups […]

Year 3, Unit 1: Air – Lesson 1

Key Learning Objective:  To explore and understand timbre. Additional Learning Objective: To contribute to creating a soundscape of a hot air balloon preparing to take flight and lifting off the ground.   Starter activity: Explore the Bristol Balloon Fiesta, listen to Lin Marsh’s ‘Hot Air Balloon Song’, learning part one of the refrain. Main activity: Create a whole […]