Key Learning Objectives: To use a “thinking voice” to internalise rhythms. To play rhythms faster or slower (changing tempo). Starter activity: Select an activity from the Rhythm Starter Bank. Main activity: Introduce a click track through the concept of a ‘rhythm machine’. Use a chosen Bristol place rhythm to clap over the click track, until each […]
Category: Lesson Plan
Year 4, Unit 2: Rhythm – Lesson 1
Key Learning Objectives: To develop understanding of reading staff notation. To explore notating rhythms. Starter activity: Select an activity from the Rhythm Starter Bank. Main activity: Listening and response exercise using the game, ‘Don’t Clap our School Back’. Use rhythm cards to sound out the Bristol place rhythms, focusing on how they are notated, culminating in the completion of […]
Year 4, Unit 1: Water – Lesson 6
Key Learning Objective: To maintain an independent line within a two part song. Additional Learning Objective: To sing in tune with expression and perform rhythmically simple parts that use a limited range of notes. Starter activity: Listen to a number of capstan and hauling sea shanties, asking the children to identify the main features of […]
Year 4, Unit 1: Water – Lesson 5
Key Learning Objective: To interpret symbols as musical sounds. Additional Learning Objective: To select instruments and explore the timbre of the instruments in order to represent aspects of a storm. Starter activity: Watch the BBC Ten Pieces film for Benjamin Britten’s ‘The Storm’ from the opera ‘Peter Grimes’. Explain that the class will be using it […]
Year 4, Unit 1: Water – Lesson 4
Key Learning Objective: To interpret symbols as musical sounds. Additional Learning Objective: To select instruments and explore the timbre of the instruments in order to represent aspects of a storm. Starter activity: Watch the BBC Ten Pieces film for Benjamin Britten’s ‘The Storm’ from the opera ‘Peter Grimes’. Explain that the class will be using it […]
Year 4, Unit 1: Water – Lesson 3
Key Learning Objective: To maintain an independent line within a two part song. Starter activity: Warm up exercise, sing ‘Drunken Sailor’, clapping the pulse during the instrumental section, focusing on diction. Main activity: Learn the melody for the song ‘The Bold Pirate’, creating two groups, one to sing the melody line, the other to sing the ostinato. […]
Year 4, Unit 1: Water – Lesson 1
Key Learning Objective: To explore the origin of sea shanties. Additional Learning Objective: To feel the pulse and clap rhythms at various tempi. Starter activity: Introduce two sea shanties, ‘What Shall We Do With the Druken Sailor’ and ‘Don’t Forget Your Old Shipmate’, discuss the similarities between the two shanties. Main activity: Learn ‘Three Pirates’ from the ‘World Voice […]
Year 3, Unit 3: Pitch – Lesson 6
Key Learning Objectives: To begin to understand that notes can move by step to form a scale. To further develop an understanding of intervals, exploring fifths. To listen carefully and perform partner songs as part of an ensemble Starter activity: Select an activity from the Pitch Starter Bank. Main activity: Introduce the degrees of a scale […]
Year 3, Unit 3: Pitch – Lesson 5
Key Learning Objectives: To further develop aural skills and understanding of how a melody moves. To work in small groups to ‘notate’ patterns of notes, using objects to mirror both rise and fall in pitch. Starter activity: Select an activity from the Pitch Starter Bank. Main activity: Representing note patterns: Listen to ‘Bristol Pitches’ and pitch pattern the […]
Year 3, Unit 3: Pitch – Lesson 4
Key Learning Objectives: To listen, explore and begin to learn ‘Fureem’. To recap that the distance between two notes is called an interval and use arms to mirror a rise and fall in pitch correctly. To understand how a triad is formed (notes built above one another to form chords). Starter activity: Select an activity […]