Category: Year 4

Year 4, Unit 1: Water – Lesson 3

Key Learning Objective:  To maintain an independent line within a two part song.   Starter activity: Warm up exercise, sing ‘Drunken Sailor’, clapping the pulse during the instrumental section, focusing on diction. Main activity: Learn the melody for the song ‘The Bold Pirate’, creating two groups, one to sing the melody line, the other to sing the ostinato. […]

Year 4, Unit 1: Water – Lesson 1

Key Learning Objective:  To explore the origin of sea shanties. Additional Learning Objective:  To feel the pulse and clap rhythms at various tempi.   Starter activity: Introduce two sea shanties, ‘What Shall We Do With the Druken Sailor’ and ‘Don’t Forget Your Old Shipmate’, discuss the similarities between the two shanties. Main activity: Learn ‘Three Pirates’ from the ‘World Voice […]