Time: 5 mins Group size: whole class Tag words: sing, shuffle, alien, performance, repeat, rehearse, section, confident, clear words Watch or listen to the last lesson’s performance of the Alien Shuffle and ask the class how they might improve their singing. Work on a section of the song that the class isn’t familiar with […]
Category: Primary Curriculum
KS1 Lesson 2 Starter: Space warm up
Time: 5 mins each Group size: whole class/group Tag words: space, syllable, song, clap, rhythmic, slow, accurate, tempo, track, body percussion, complexity, stamp, tap, clap. Focus video: Syllable Song or Clap, Stomp and Chomp https://bit.ly/2rRgOjg Focus track: I feel Space, Lindstrøm https://bit.ly/2HLRy2b Ask the class to stand up. Play the music and lead a […]
KS1 Lesson 1 Plenary: Beginning to learn the Alien Shuffle
Time: 5 mins each Group size: whole class/group or partners Focus Song: Alien Shuffle – https://bit.ly/2jklZBT Tag words: singing, science, space, alien, shuffle, song, instruments. Ask the pupils what they think they might see on their mission to space? “Who will we meet?” Play the Alien Shuffle to the pupils and focus on singing the […]
KS1 Lesson 1 Starter: Responding to Music
Time: 5 mins each Group size: whole class Focus Track: Also Sprach Zarathustra – https://bit.ly/1tONymZ Tag words: Warm-up, listening, movement, response to music, grandeur, majesty, space Explain to the class that they are going to listen to a piece of music, and ask them to think about how it makes them feel. Other than that, […]
KS1 Lesson 1 Main 2: Moving like an Astronaut
Time: 15 mins Group size: whole group Focus Track: Clubbed To Death – https://bit.ly/2qWlcsL Focus video: Walking on the Moon https://youtu.be/aQX9KOCS7MA Tag words: Listening, dancing, responding, science (gravity), beats, astronaut, movement, dance, club, mirroring. Show the pupils videos of astronauts moving in space and ask them “what is different about their movements? Why is […]
KS1 Lesson 1 Main 1: Letter from the European Space Agency
Time: 10 mins Group size: whole class Tag words: reading strategies, phonics, geography, science, alien, planet, letter Arrange for someone from the office to deliver a “Letter from the ESA” letter to the classroom (see associated resources for this printout). It will be most effective and funny/memorable if it is so large that everyone can […]