Time: 5 mins Group size: Whole Class Tag words: instruments, artefacts, alien, planet, goodnight, sleep, questions, timbre It is now time for the artefacts/instruments to go to sleep. Ask the pupils to say “goodnight” to the artefacts/instruments and one at a time, carefully bring them to the front of the class to put them away. […]
Category: Primary Curriculum
KS1 Lesson 5 Main 1: Walk like an Alien!
Time: 15 mins Group size: Whole Class Tag words: conducting, sound and movement, actions, walking, step, instruments, percussion, walk, planet, slow, quick Put on the alien hat and tell the pupils that you are going to walk around the room and show you what the alien planet sounds like. Tell them that on every step, […]
KS1 Lesson 5 Plenary: Review and Revise
Time: 5 mins Group size: Whole Class Tag words: alien, description, discovery, evidence, picture, review, revise, video Watch the videos from the last five sessions and ask the class what they have enjoyed most so far. Ask the pupils to discuss what they think they might be doing next lesson?
KS1 Lesson 5 Starter: Meet The Alien
Time: 10 mins each Group size: Whole Class Tag words: Call and response, percussion, rhythm, phonics, alien, name, drums, communicate, talk, discuss, pattern, sounds Tell the class that they are about to meet an alien from an alien planet, so they must be on their best behaviour. Ask them all to close their eyes, and […]
KS1 Lesson 6 Main 1: Planetary Breakdown!
Time: 25 mins Group size: Groups Tag words: Fuel, Engine, Rocket, Breakdown, Gravity. Role-play, flight check, crescendo, louder, music, piece, crescendo, quietly, louder Tell the class that we need to return to Earth. Role-play opening the hatches, and climbing into the spaceship. Set the scene by running through some flight checks – “check fuel – […]
KS1 Lesson 6 Main 2: Coming Home!
Time: 5 mins Group size: Whole Group Tag words: pitch, low, descending, sinking, diminuendo, instruments, landing, hands, high, quieter, slower, lower Tell the class that they are almost home, and about to descend through Planet Earth’s atmosphere. Using the pitched instruments, ask for a volunteer from the class to show you what they think landing […]
KS1 Lesson 6 Plenary: Sharing the mission experiences
Time: 10 mins Group size: Whole Class/Groups or Partners Focus Track: Alien Shuffle – https://bit.ly/2jklZBT Tag words: review, evaluate, perform, share, mission, alien, shuffle Ask the pupils to share with the rest of the class what their favourite part of the whole mission was. If time, go back through the work they have done, or […]
KS1 Lesson 6 Starter: Taking off or landing – what does it sound like?
Time: 10 mins Group size: Whole Class/Group Focus Track: Also Sprach Zarathustra – https://bit.ly/1tONymZ Tag words: pitch, high, rising, ascending, crescendo, remember, describe, taking off, landing, moving, up, down, hands Ask the class “can you remember this music from earlier lessons? Can you describe it?” (it builds up, it gets louder, the pitch gets higher, […]
KS1 Lesson 2 Main 2: Communicating with the Alien
Time: 10 mins Group size: Whole class – into pairs Tag words: alien, communication, understanding, practice, talking, nonsense, situation, scenario, perform, imagine Ask the class to imagine that an Alien who didn’t speak English came into our classroom and spoke to them. “Would they understand what we were saying? Would we understand them? How would […]
KS1 Lesson 2 Main 1: Alien words
Time: 10 mins Group size: whole class Tag words: nouns, verbs, adjectives, phonics list, alien, words, body percussion, hand percussion Show the pupils some alien words (KS1 phonics) – decode them as a class. Ask the class “what do these alien words mean? Could it be a name? A thing or an object? An action?” […]